Cum acționează yoga asupra minții și a corpului?
Yoga este o practică de meditație și activitate fizică menită să realizeze o conexiune între minte, trup și suflet. Această practică este folosită pentru îmbunătățirea stării fizice și mentale.
Majoritatea oamenilor care fac Yoga constată îmbunătățirea nivelului de trai. Unele din beneficiile observate de-a lungul timpului sunt:
- dezvoltarea musculaturii
- flexibilitate
- o mai bună funcționare a plămânilor
- sănătate cardiacă
- reducerea anxietății
- reducerea stresului
- calmarea sevrajului
- îmbunătățirea calității somnului

Risks and side effects
Many types of yoga are relatively mild and therefore safe for people when a well-trained instructor is guiding the practice.
It is rareTrusted Source to incur a serious injury when doing yoga. The most common injuries among people practicing yoga are sprains and strains.
However, people may wish to consider a few risk factorsTrusted Source before starting a yoga practice.
A person who has an ongoing medical condition should consult a healthcare professional, if possible, before taking up yoga, conditions as:
- bone loss
- pregnancy
- glaucoma
- sciatica
Some people may need to modify or avoid some yoga poses that could be risky given their specific condition.
Beginners should avoid advanced poses and difficult techniques, such as Headstand, Lotus Pose, and forceful breathing.
When managing a condition, people should not replace conventional medical care with yoga or postpone seeing a healthcare professional about pain or any other medical problem.
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The word “chakra” means “spinning wheel.”
Yoga maintains that chakras are center points of energy, thoughts, feelings, and the physical body. According to yogic teachers, chakras determine how people experience reality through emotional reactions, desires or aversions, levels of confidence or fear, and even physical symptoms and effects.
Yoga begins right where I am – not where I was yesterday or where I long to be.
– Linda Sparrowe