Top 10 melodii ale lui Phoebe Bridgers

Talentul incontestabil al cântăreței și compozitoarei americane originare din Los Angeles s-a concretizat în două albume solo, Stranger in the Alps, lansat în toamna anului 2017, Punisher, lansat în vara anului 2020 și care s-a bucurat de un succes enorm, ajungând în numeroase topuri și aducâdu-i artistei o serie de nominalizări Grammy, dar și a două colaborări consecutive în anii 2018 și 2019: prima dintre ele cu îndrăgitele cantautoare indie Julien Baker și Lucy Dacus, cele trei formând un grup cunoscut sub numele Boygenius și având ca rezultat un EP eponim, iar cea de-a doua alături de Conor Oberst, rezultatul fiind un album intitulat Better Oblivion Community Center. Fiecare dintre acestea îmbină melodicitatea și delicatețea vocii cu profunzimea versurilor, muzica lui Phoebe fiind o experiență unică, cel mai adesea trezind celui care ascultă sentimente puternice. Iată un top 10 al melodiilor artistei.займ безработным на карту по паспорту

10. I know the End

I’ll find a new place to be from/a haunted house with a picket fence

To float around and ghost my friends/no, I’m not afraid to disappear

The billboard said the end is near/I turned around, there was nothing there

Phoebe Bridgers, I Know The End

9. Chesapeake

“I was all covered in sound

When you asked me to turn it down

Didn’t even think it was loud

Can you hear it now?“

Better Oblivion Community Center, Chesapeake

8. Dylan Thomas

“They say you’ve gotta fake it

At least until you make it

That ghost is just a kid in a sheet“

Better Oblivion Community Center, Dylan Thomas

7. Me & My Dog

“I wanna be emaciated

I wanna hear one song without thinking of you

I wish I was on a spaceship

Just me and my dog and an impossible view

I dream about it

And I wake up falling“

Boygenius, Me & My Dog

6. ICU

“If you’re a work of art

I’m standing too close

I can see the brush strokes“

Phoebe Bridgers, ICU

5. Waiting Room

“I can wish all that I want, but it won’t bring us together

Plus, I know whatever happens to me, I know it’s for the better“

Phoebe Bridgers, Waiting Room

4. Graceland Too

“Doesn’t know what she wants

Or what she’s gonna do

A rebel without a clue“

Phoebe Bridgers, Graceland Too

3. Moon Song

You couldn’t have, you couldn’t have/stuck your tongue down the throat of somebody who loves you more

I will wait for the next time you want me/like a dog with a bird at your door.“

Phoebe Bridgers, Moon Song

2. Garden Song

Everything’s growing in our garden/you don’t have to know that it’s haunted/

The doctor put her hands over my liver/she told me my resentment’s getting smaller

Phoebe Bridgers, Garden Song

1. Killer

But when I’m sick and tired/when my mind is barely there

When a machine keeps me alive/and I’m losing all my hair

I hope you kiss my rotten head/and pull the plug

Phoebe Brigers, Killer